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What are Individualized Home Supports (IHS)?

MRCI offers great benefits to families to ensure an individual with disabilities can live a satisfied and fulfilling life, where they can be as independent as possible. One of the many programs we offer is Individualized Home Supports without Training (IHS). This program allows for family, friends, and others to work with the individual in their home and provides community access for activities for the individual to enjoy. Individualized Home Supports without Training can be provided to adults and children, and the individual can stay living in their own home and community.

"The in-home support program with MRCI has been a wonderful experience for my brother [Brad, 'Bradster'}. The ability to have someone work with my brother and support his social and intellectual development in a safe and fun environment has positively impacted his confidence and ability to live more independently. He gets to see the world around him in new and different ways. I recommend the in-home services provided through MRCI and their team of professionals who really put the client first and care for their wellbeing. It has opened up new pathways for his development." - Brian Carlson, pictured below with his mother and brother

Brian, Bradster, and Cathy at a fundraising gala

To be eligible for this program the individual must be on one of the following waivers through the county they live in: Brain Injury (BI), Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI), Community Alternative Care (CAC) or Developmental Disabilities (DD). Adults and children can receive IHS service who need cueing, skill maintenance, guidance, instruction, assistance with activities of daily living, assistance with coordination of community living activities or direct supervision.

MRCI also offers another great program called Individualized Home Supports with Training. This program is different than the Individualized Home Supports without training program. Both are 245D licensed program, but IHS with Training is only provided to adults. The main purpose of the program is to work on skill-building and instructional services to improve a person’s experience while living in the community and helping them be as independent as possible. IHS with Training is considered an intensive service, which means there are goals set with the individual and their guardians to help in areas that may need more support. An example of this would be Money Management or being more physically active in the community to create better health.

Both programs offer many benefits to the individuals who receive services. MRCI takes referrals and would love to help you out! You can reach out to your county case manager to let them know you would like more information regarding these programs that might be available to you. MRCI services over 300 families currently for the 245D program.

“My client moved from the metro back home to northern Minnesota in 2021 and took with him his services (IHS without training) provided by MRCI. This has been my first opportunity to work with this agency and it has been a dream for this family. The staff at MRCI is easily approachable, knowledgeable, and overall flexible. MRCI’s approach toward person centered services is outstanding. The care they provide is delivered in a way that meets what the person wants. The only agenda is his! Even though there are a couple hundred miles that separate MRCI from where my client lives, the ease of working with them is as though they are right down the road. I would recommend MRCI to other professionals and families looking for services.” - Case Manager Rebecca Maki, with St Louis County


Written by Mellisa Cummins


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